I was invited to bring R2 out to the Jubilee Area BEST Robotics "Field Premier" today at Davidson HS (where I went to high school, and hadn't been back since I graduated). I invited Red and Matt to come "assist" in armor.
We were a big hit. The skit started out with Matt and Red walking out with 2 of the commentators, talking a little bit about what they were supposed to be doing. The crowd cheered for them, and they had a couple more lines, then R2 came out and the crowd of high school and middle school students went wild! R2 and the commentators had some dialog about the field, and then the field was revealed and explained to the competitors.
Afterwards, we took pics for about an hour, then we adjourned to Longhorn for lunch, provided by the BEST staff!
Here's pics:
The characters with the BEST staff:

With the "commentators", discussing the skit:

During the skit:

Revealing the "field":

A shot of the crowd:

Pics with the teams after:

R2 went over to visit a special needs kid while the pics continued:

And what would an event be, without some of "Red's Hi-Jinks":

She was getting some air on that little mini-tramp!
Thanks to Red and Matt for coming along on this event, and special thanks to AshAmidala for taking pictures for us today!
On a side note, you can see a little damage in one of the pics to R2's right foot this time. The skirt on the rear of the foot was almost loose, so I went ahead and took it off rahter than have it fall off during the event.